Thursday, August 5, 2010

Summer is FINALLY here (for me anyway...)

I don't know if you've noticed that my entries have been a little bit more spaced out lately...I am happy to say that is because I've actually been living life and making up for some lost time. I spent so long sitting and so much time inside during my recovery that as soon as I started walking and feeling better, I started taking some advantage of it.

I just spent the last week in New Jersey with my mom and it was great!!! I finally went to the beach and started working on my tan, went to lunch with friends, visited my friend and her new baby, went to a bridal shower, surprised John with skydiving, spent the day at the pool and BBQ'd, visited a new dear friend and fellow CMT'er Jess, went to church, etc. It was just a really happy week!! It was great to feel normal again. Oh and it's also great how everyone is so happy and excited to see you after going through such serious surgery!

But in all honesty, I think I did too much. I was just soooo tired by the time I got back home to CT that I was a zombie all day yesterday. And to make matters worse, CMT brought me back to my "real" life and I fell pretty hard in our office yesterday. My right foot slipped in the flip flop and I lost balance. I didn't even have time to try to find something to hold on to, one minute I was up and the next I was hitting the ground. Thankfully, my left foot wasn't hurt. But as with any good fall, today my body is sore everywhere so I'm taking it easy big time.

During my awesome week, I also saw my surgeon for a final follow up and we scheduled the surgery on my right foot for September 20. So I have about 6 weeks to live up the end of the summer, before I'm in bed for a long time again. But I am really really really ready to do it. I am ready to start 2011 on a new page, with new feet.


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