Thursday, May 17, 2012

New Prescription Cocktail

Ohhh the life of a CMT'er!!! To try over and over again to find a set of medications that may help improve our quality of life, battle constant chronic pain and possibly lift us out of our chronic fatigue. I have searched high and low for different doctors, different types of doctors, new meds and I'm still searching for something that will help me - as I am sure are many people with CMT and other neuropathies.

One of my fellow pool therapy buddies recommended I go see her pain management doctor who helps her a lot and he is located in the next town over so I figured I should give it a shot. I made the appointment for yesterday and the hubs came along with me (it's always good for me to go with someone because I can NEVER remember everything I plan to say or ask).

We arrived for the 12pm appointment and weren't called in to the office until 1:30pm!!!! This is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. What is the point of scheduling a time if you're going to keep me waiting so long? And, in case you missed it, I am going to see the doc for pain, so to leave me waiting that long is not making my body feel any better. We almost asked for the co-pay back and walked out when they finally called us in. My first impression so far was not good.

Thankfully, the doctor was very nice and helpful. I am only his THIRD CMT patient ever (Shocker!) - I am just glad at least that I wasn't the first! He listened to my entire history and we begun discussing what could possibly work and what approach I should take. At the end of our chat, we have added 4 new meds to my daily routine to start off with - well, 3 new meds and 1 vitamin. Two of the meds are for pain and one is for chronic fatigue, which is honestly the one I'm most excited to try.

I am cautiously optimistic about the possibilities and hope at least one of these will help me find some relief. The plan is to try them out for a month and go back to him for a follow up. I am crossing my fingers that I have good news then...wish me luck!


Melissa said...

Ugh....I hate the "Dance of Doctors" as I call it. Hopefully this new one will be good, and the new meds will help! You'll have to let me know how the one for the fatigue works....that sounds intriguing!

Anonymous said...

Yes - also intrigued about your med for chronic fatigue! Love Melissa's "Dance of the Doctors" term - sadly, so true! Betcha the doc has had more than 3 CMT Pxs - they just don't know (because of lack of knowledge about the disorder) they have it...and the docs didn't think to investigate it. I loathe the idea of people going through life just thinking they are weak/lazy/accident prone when really they have CMT. Good luck with the new meds!

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