Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Very Own Power Chair!!!!

I got some amazing news this week. Someone I know from church, who truthfully I only met once but have worked together on a couple projects, bought me a power chair!!!! I am sooo excited to get it and to try it out. I've cut back on some activities over the past couple of years because they involved a lot of walking but I am so excited to go to a zoo, theme park, or the Big E (huge annual fair in MA) next year.

I am so thankful and grateful for this amazing gesture that was completely unexpected.

My new chair!!!!

PS: Thankfully my foot is healing and has been feeling so much better these last few days. I even drove myself to an appointment yesterday. Today, I pulled out my flip flops and finally ditched the walking boot for a couple of hours and I feel great. I am totally ready for work on Monday, but I am still being cautious and will wear my boot and bring the crutches. I've gone from nervous to excited! I'm ready to go!


Anonymous said...

Fantastic! The world can really be a warm, friendly, wonderful place...can't it! Enjoy your new wheels!

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